Sunday, March 22, 2009

Mother's Day/Birthday Wish List...continued

The Christopher Lowell Shore Home Collection would be the perfect complement to my coastal inspired office. Willie, just in case you're reading, you can find it here.

One more thing, as long as I'm calling this a wish list...


Shauna said...

uh yeah...good luck with this.

Tina Schiefer said...

This is gorgeous! I live on a mountainside home in the forest, but my goal is to remodel our master bedroom in a coastal cottage theme. Not so much starfish and the like, but the soothing colors and airy environent.... Someday OUR wish will come....


Casey said...

Thats a great idea... enough family members read my blogs that it would eventually get back to E... I think I am going to POST what I want for Mothers Day. Like the office- I want one like that, but would rather our front and back yard be finished before we start a new and huge project like that. Good luck with your wish list!!! :)

Jennifer said...

YAY!!!!!! It finally let me "follow" you!!!!!!!

Bombers Baseball said...

Did Willie read Dave R? If so, sorry!

Casey said...

HEY!!! Did you get your Mothers Day gift(s)????